This was a neat little hand built creek that I want put into my back yard. It would be a little shorter, perhaps, but, nevertheless, as beautiful. I want my son Jon to do it. He is a landscaper. I found this one in Door County when I went there last weekend.
From the top of the creek..........
I can just imagine the birds and rabbits and squirrels playing in this. I want it in front of my studio windows. We are going to start collecting rocks from the fence line at the land.
My wisteria is only showing signs of life, but no flowers so far. Little green shoots are appearing on the branches.......I think pulling it down from the roof shocked it too much. It makes me sad.
It's supposed to start like this.......which it isn't. And then, ultimately look like this:
And then, finally, like this:
Alright, a trip to Hobby Lobby today and back to work. Next trip to Minocqua.